Monday, October 09, 2006

so you wanna be a symbolic analyst?

Robert Reich's succinct desciption of the three jobs of the future is a refreshing break from the overthought theory of Urry and others. Not that thinking is a bad thing! The tongue and cheek job description list I've seen before, but as a former "Administrative Assistant" and "Research Specialist," I have to admit that I still find it amusing.

But I wonder... What about all those who are not employed by transnational corporations? I like the three categories of jobs that Reich outlines, but with the doggedly determined presence of small businesses, I know not everyone has a stake directly in this economy. Of course, it's all related but... And education still follows the old-school promotional system, in public schools as well as in university settings. Isn't education still somewhat local, while everything else is somewhat global? Maybe I'm just looking for counter-examples.


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