Tuesday, October 10, 2006

the body is obsolete?

I don't think it's going to happen. I know Donna Haraway and other cyborg theorists think this is TEH FUTURE. But I just don't see how people will reject their bodies. I know the success of the World of Warcraft may contradict my assertion, and I know that virtual commutes and remote workplace logins are the way we're headed, but I can't buy into the mid-90s vision of the cyborg body network thing that Anne Balsamo describes from the novel Synners. Several key trends that show we won't forget the body:
  • specialty bath products
  • renewed interest in alternative medicines and healing practices like yoga and massage
  • the cult of Whole Foods and eating pleasures
  • SEX
That's right. Even if the rest of them are just trends, sex will keep us grounded and in our bodies. Cybersex, as much as Mark Foley has made it part of our world recently, just isn't the same.


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